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<h1> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nicolas Guruphat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </h1>

Projects / Skills / Education / Certifications

<h2> Projects.json </h2>

<- click here

<- or here
{ "project_1" : { "id" : "", "name" : "Modular Productivity", "status" : "Active", "lastCommit" : "TODO" "frontEnd" : { "language" : "JavaScript", "framework" : "Vue3" } "backEnd" : { "language" : "PHP", "framework" : "Laravel" } } "project_2" : { "id" : "", "name" : "Online CV", "languages" : "HTML/CSS/JS", "status" : "Active" } "project_3" : { "id" : "", "name" : "Goblin's Revenge", "language" : " C# ", "engine" : " Unity ", "status" : "Completed" } "project_4" : { "id" : "", "name" : "Addiction-Killer", "language" : "JavaScript", "description" : "Firefox addon", "status" : "Active" } "project_5" : { "id" : "", "name" : "ClassyPicator", "language" : " Python ", "description" : "Python tool that classify your files", "status" : "Completed" "link" : "ClassiPycator" } }

<h2> Skills.csv </h2>

# pip install pandas import pandas as pd # Read the csv file data = pd.read_csv('data.csv') # Print it out if you want print(data)

Hard Skills, Soft Skills dev, english

Hard Skills Soft Skills
dev English


<h2> Education </h2>

high school > DUT informatique > Ingenering

2017->2020 2020->2022 2022->2025

high school

|-> ISN Speciality

|-> 2017-2020

DUT informatique

|-> 2020-2022


|-> 2022-2025

<h2> Certifications </h2>

Open Classroom

|@@@@@@@@@@| 100% - Testez l'interface de votre site

|@@@@------| 45% - Apprenez à programmer avec JavaScript

|@@@@------| 42% - Utilisez HTML 5 pour l'interface utilisateur

|@@--------| 23% - Apprenez à apprendre

|----------| 8% - Créez votre site web avec HTML5 et CSS3

|----------| 6% - Récupérez et affichez des données distantes

Microsoft Learn

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

Have fun with the CSS of this website !

// to-do : buy milk